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Growing unity to strengthen our community through shared challenges and triumphs.

All together, we are Brookings in that trademark way that is ALTOGETHER BROOKINGS!

Altogether neighborly.  Totally collaborative.  Fully invested. 

2022 City Council & School Board Elections

2022 City Council & School Board Elections

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Teresa Binkley: Brookings School Board Candidate 2022

Brianna Doran: City Council Candidate 2022

Teri Johnson: Brookings School Board 2022


Help build a collection of crowd-sourced videos from fellow community members, shareholders, and field experts. Want to help this people's project with a submission? Upload a short video sharing your story, question, or expertise!

Want to answer a question that was submitted? State the question, your name and credentials, then arm us with your knowledge! Please reference information sources.

    *Submissions can be up to 10 minutes, but even short ones are valuable. Participation suggestions below.


Speak Your Truth.   Seek Answers.

  • What do you love most about your community? 


  • What pre-existing community needs have you seen exposed by any of the recent events (the pandemic, conversations about racial equity, politics)?


  • How can your community neighbors help to support equality and justice?  


  • What unique strengths does the Brookings community have on its side?

  • What about Brookings are you working to keep strong at this time?

  • How has the impact of the pandemic made you reevaluate your thoughts on equality issues and human rights?


  • Are there any community efforts or resources you would like to promote?


  • Interview your kids or grandparents about their perspective of current times.


  • ​​Share your talent (musical, artistic, or other) .

  • Offer a prayer in your tradition for our community.


  • How have modified work practices changed your attitude towards work-life balance going forward


  • How have your religious views or practices changed during 2020-22?​


  • What is your message to your community neighbors as we continue on our current path together?


  • What are the biggest challenges that you, your family, or your business/organization faced during this pandemic?


  • What questions do you have for our local experts?


  • Have recent local, regional, national, or international events inspired any new personal practices or family traditions that you will continue in the future?


  • What have you found to help your mental wellness?​


  • Share a letter to your past self and your future self.


SUBMISSION & COMMUNITY GUIDELINES encourages people from the full cross-section of our community to tell their stories in their own personal way in a spirit of civility, truth, and openness. Thanks for participating! This resource is intended to be a means of connection and we want it to be a safe and helpful tool of exchange. By contributing to, you agree to some simple guidelines and basic terms of use, which provide additional detail on the project. All submissions are moderated and any overstepping of these basic guidelines may result in content not appearing on the sharing platform. 

Sharing Guidelines:

Be creative. Be truthful. Be kind.

We reserve the right to decline to share content based on these standards, and we will inform you if that is the case.

Share Your Own Content. Only share content that you’ve created yourself, or that you have the right to share. Content copied or collected from the Internet is generally prohibited. Please refer to the Terms of Use for additional information about ownership and license grant.

Avoid Gratuitously Offensive or Objectionable Material.

Do Not Advertise. is about telling real stories of real people in our community. This is not a platform to solicit buying.

We strictly prohibit content that supports hate speech, violence, or threats toward any specific individual or group of people for any reason.  We will work with law enforcement if we believe there’s a threat to individual or public safety.

Please be truthful. Please do not share unfounded claims, faulty data, or disproven theories which may present harm or danger to others. 

That's it! Let's all act in a way that is altogether Brookings.

Reach out if you have any questions:


Election Information

Visit City of Brookings' Election Website for information on voting.

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